The more I study
the craft of picture book writing, the more I realize that so many of the
things I'm learning apply to all writing for kids. Using as few words as
possible to convey your meaning, using carefully chosen words, leaning towards
dialogue and action with limited description, avoiding adverbs and going light
on adjectives - all these things are important when I write a juvenile or young
adult novel as well as a picture book. You can just get away with mistakes a
little easier in a novel.
In a picture book,
every word needs to go under a microscope. When you're used to writing novels
like I am, it's challenging to tell your story in 1000 words. You absolutely don't want to
waste any of them! And when you're choosing your words, one of the things you need
to think about is rhythm.
I like what Theodore Cheney says about rhythm
in his book Getting the Words Right. He talks about ancient storytellers
and how "stories with the most satisfying sounds and rhythms were remembered
easiest and longest."
That's what we
want - children to remember our stories
and, with picture books, to ask for them again and again.
The best way to
test for rhythm is to read your story aloud. Picture books are meant to be read
aloud so this is doubly important (novels can benefit from being read aloud
too). Try reading your manuscript into a tape recorder and listening to it. Or
ask someone to read it out loud to you.
There are some
tried and true ways to get rhythm into your writing.
1. Vary your
sentence length. A longer leisurely sentence slows the pace. A short snappy
sentence gives punch to your story. You want both.
2. Use
alliteration (repetition of initial consonant.) Don't overdo this and create a
tongue twister (unless deliberate!) The words don't have to be side by side but
can be scattered throughout the sentence. eg. There are some tried and trued
ways to get rhythm into your writing!
3. Have fun with
onomatopoeia (words that imitate sounds.)
eg. slish slosh swish
4. Pay attention
to where the stress falls naturally in
your sentence and how changing the order of your words can change where the
stress falls.
Listen to the
difference between:
He fell over with
a crash.
Over he fell with
a crash.
A comma can change
the stress.
Listen to the difference between:
And he never said
a word.
And, he never said
a word.
Time words and
superlatives are often stressed:
Lyle could spend hours
watching building construction.
Harry's bath was
the soapiest one he had ever had.
I'm planning to
print a copy of my manuscript-in-progress and mark the stressed word or words
in every sentence. Maybe I'll move some words around and make some changes. I'm
sure I'll learn something.
In The Business of Writing for Children,
Aaron Shepard says . .
One of the
greatest compliments a reviewer can bestow on a children's story is to call it
a "great read aloud." But how does a story come to merit such praise?
The secret is rhythm.
Rhythm. It will
make your story sing.
Favourite Kid's
Book of the Week:
Mr. Zinger's
Hat by Cary Fagan
A story is trying
to escape from Mr. Zinger's hat. Leo contributes all the important details and
learns that his cap has a story in it too!
A terrific story
with charming illustrations.
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